The People of Forest Home Chapel
Rev. Robyn Hays
Hello Forest Home Chapel ~ My name is Robyn Hays, and I am honored to be your pastor beginning January 1, 2023. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you. I have served churches throughout central New York, and am currently pastor at Dryden UMC. My husband, Rev. David Hays (retired) and I have two children. I grew up in Ithaca, am a proud science-fiction geek and Bible nerd. I enjoy Bible studies, visiting with people, and leading uplifting worship. I love to laugh, dark chocolate and good coffee (in moderation).
What questions would you like to ask? What do you wish to share? What do you think a new pastor at Forest Home Chapel needs to know, and what are your dreams for the church? I hope to have some fun and deep conversations with each of you as we get to know each other in the upcoming months.
Yours in Christ, Rev. Robyn Hays
Lay Leadership
A Collaborative Ministry
United Methodist Lay Speakers regularly support Rev. Robyn Hays mornings. We are certified in leading worship, prayer and scripture study, preaching and Biblical interpretation, as well as Methodist social principles and doctrine, pastoral care and more.
We bring our academic and professional credentials as well as our life experiences in music and teaching, science and art to the worship experience.
The Congregation
Our Church Family
The people of Forest Home Chapel attend in person and via zoom, are young and old, community and college members. We value connection. inquiry, social justice and the development of each person’s spiritual gifts within the community and beyond.
We vow to fully participate in the church’s ministries by our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
Full Hearts and Voices
We are blessed to have rich, exceptional musical support through Ithaca College Music Department faculty and graduate students. Opera, classical and sacred repertoire soloists, choir ensemble singers, and professional piano accompanists elevate our worship experience.
Our Music Director, Gavin Tremblay is a performer, educator, and conductor residing in the Ithaca area. A passionate choral singer and director, he performs regularly in Ithaca and beyond with groups including First Inversion, the Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers, the Opus Ithaca Odyssey Choir, Madrigalia, and more. He got his musical start through singing in his church choir at home, and he has loved being able to continue serving at Forest Home Chapel as music director. Tremblay currently teaches music and Spanish at the Ithaca Waldorf School.
Long-time professional church organist Jack Reid pulls out all the stops for special occasions, filling our small sanctuary with glorious “big church” sacred sound!