Our Ministers: Inspiration, Change & Challenges
Chapel Pastors from 1914 until Present
Over the past 50 years, 23 part-time pastors have been appointed to the Chapel by the Central New York United Methodist Conference (now the Upper New York Conference). In the 1960s and early 1970s, several retirees served half-time, and as many did not live nearby, their stipend plus the Parsonage was a double benefit to them, as the Chapel benefitted from their presence.
The Reverend Roy Smyres was one of these appointees. He first served the Chapel while a graduate student at Cornell and spent many years as a missionary in Africa before bringing his experiences back to Ithaca.In 1976, The Reverend Kent Phillips-Huyck, a Dutch Reform pastor, became our half-time minister while his wife was associate pastor at the American Baptist church in Ithaca. They were a relatively young couple, and it was Kent who encouraged us to expand into supporting a full-time appointment.
Two First Charges
In 1979, The Reverend Dr. Robert (Bob) Alan Hill was appointed as a full-time pastor to this, his first charge after seminary. He and Forest Home Chapel learned and grew together. From 1981 to 1984, The Reverend Tom Wolfe also served full-time, another first assignment after seminary during which time the Chapel thrived and was on the brink of offering two services per Sunday. Both Bob and Tom were much loved and missed as they were moved on to larger churches. Bob was officially installed as Dean of Marsh Chapel and Boston University Chaplain on Sunday, March 4, 2007. Tom Wolfe moved on to the positions of first, Dean of Hendricks Chapel, and then Vice President of Syracuse University. Both have returned as guest ministers as we celebrated various mile-stones in the Chapel’s history.
After these strong years, the Chapel’s fortunes waxed and waned. The chapel had shrunk to a half-time pastor by the time Michael Chitewere, a seminary student from Zimbabwe, was appointed in 1987. The congregation was enthusiastic about supporting him and his family, but Michael had little training for the ministry and in January 1989, was moved to a more appropriate charge with a senior minister to mentor him.
In spring 1989 The Reverend Steve Kish was appointed part-time. Steve was ill, and his illness created uncertainty about his availability. But the congregation learned to handle his unpredictable absences, filling in with numerous laity sermons and services. A kidney transplant, which kept him in the hospital for over 50 days, was ultimately not successful. To our great sadness, he died in October 1995. A small congregation of 30 benefited greatly from Steve’s brilliant sermons as our lay leaders grew in strength and leadership skills. He blessed us, and we hope we helped him and his family. Visiting ministers served during 1995-96, including The Reverend Paul Pitkin who also met clients of the Family Counseling Ministry in the Chapel office before he retired. The Reverend Wayne Gustafson held this post until 2020.
A Period of Quarter-time Appointments
From 1995 until 2008, appointments were quarter-time and included Roger J. Smith, then a student at Rochester-Colgate, and retirees from other conferences such as The Reverend Fred Brooks, who, ably supported by his wife Alice, served the Chapel for five years. The Reverend Robert (Bob) Johnson came out of retirement following 20 years as Director of Cornell United Religious Work at Cornell University, and served the Chapel for two more years. His excellent sermons were captured (in word if not in delivery!) in his small gem of a book, Defending the Hope Within Us, published by the Chapel in June, 2006. The Reverend Laura Bartels Felleman, from the Nebraska Conference, was with us in 2006-7, followed by the exuberant presence of retiree The Reverend Fred Kelsey, in 2007-2008. Roger, Fred, Bob, and Laura each brought their own strengths to the Chapel.
Resuming Half-time Appointments
Recognizing that a quarter-time appointment limited the Chapel’s ministry, congregants stretched to fund a half-time pastor in 2008, just in time to welcome The Reverend Marilyn B. Stevens during whose tenure (2008-2011) we advanced, both physically and spiritually. In July 2011, The Reverend Rebecca W. Dolch joined us after serving a nearby conference as District Superintendent for five years, and more recently, after 16 years at St. Paul’s United Church. Under Rebecca, our congregation grew by over forty percent, and we became a Reconciling Congregation.
The Reverend Dr. Robin Blair was appointed Chapel pastor July 1, 2017, serving for two years. Under Robin, we renewed our commitment to lead our children in faith development through Time with Young Christians, music, art, service and much more. Pastor Dolch came out of retirement in July 2019 to be our current pastor. Rebecca strongly believes in empowering laity to help lead a strong worship experience and vibrant congregation. For a complete list of Chapel Clergy since 1914, please click the link below.