Our Reconciling Statement, November 2014
Forest Home Chapel United Methodist Church believes that all people are created by God.
We publicly affirm our commitment to spiritual diversity and individual integrity.
Our faith compels us to be in ministry with all people, and all means ALL.
~ We specifically welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
~ We acknowledge that this challenges the explicit policy statements made against homosexuality
by the United Methodist denomination.
~ We also reaffirm our welcome of people who have been excluded because of race, ethnicity,
nationality, gender, family make-up, or religious background.
~ As a congregation, we embrace all people as a way of celebrating God’s love.
~ At the same time, we recognize that there are differences of opinion in a healthy Christian community.
~ Together we journey toward greater understanding and mutual respect.
~ Therefore, as a Reconciling Congregation, we commit to grow in our love of God and of one another.
We are a member of Reconciling Ministries Network www.rmnetwork.org