We Engage in Mission
Mission is about paying attention to others.
Our Chapel's Mission Statement ~ "Embracing God's will for our community through education, compassion and justice" ~ helps to clarify who we support, and to concentrate our time and funds, energy and witness to do our best.
Human beings are wired for connection. We belong to each other.
When we give time, prayers, money, resources, educational emphasis and any type of attention to a specific group of people or a special circumstance, we experience the spiritual concept that we are deeply connected to all human beings, and the whole planet.
Helping people is one of our Biblical mandates.
Jesus drew people's attention not because of his philosophy or because of theological statements about him, but because he helped people. In the name and power of God, he healed, taught, fed, reached out to the outcast and made them heroes and heroines.
Mission is about reaching out and helping people who need it,
calling on the power of God to use us and our resources to empower others.
Click on images below for links to each organization’s website or Facebook page.