A revolving selection of images from Chapel events, current and past.
So many good things happen at Forest Home.

Dale Nafzinger was a member of the Chapel, 45 years ago! before he went on to become an ordained Mennonite minister and missionary in Nepal.

Dale and his wife Bethsaba in 2023
![Dale says "Christmas in our little “Tejaswi” [Radiant] Church"](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/610aedb9a94f8b449e8102e1/6aa7f85f-bfd1-4ca9-96d6-0cb956f4786c/25-12-2023+-+Christmas+-+04.jpg)
Dale says "Christmas in our little “Tejaswi” [Radiant] Church"

"It was special to see people gather recently in a truly festive mood … celebrating this most-special of days."

Christmas in the tiny Christian church in Nepal

Rebecca joins the chorus

December 18 ~ Margaret Robertshaw and fans Carol Hockett, Sally Grubb, Susan Spear and Sally Manning

The Great Scarf Exchange ~ Sara Haefeli making selections

Elizabeth Mount and Rebecca Dolch

Choir member Maddie Hoerbelt (she/her) turns pages for Sona Minasian's (he/him) postlude

New choir members with Sunday leaders

September: Margaret Robertshaw reads the scripture lesson

September: the view from the Choir loft

August: Long-time choir members Hikaru and Jeff Peterson visited Bill Tomek!

Chapel member Leroy Wollney celebrates his 98th birthday at home, with cards and well wishes from the congregation.

June 19, Father's Day: Jack and Sue Reid read the scripture lessons for Joe Falo's sermon.

A young member of the congregation, momentarily halted during a wild game of chase with re-united Sunday School friends.

June 5, 2022 ~ Kristy Shuck Farewell Service: Kristy sang "Into the Unknown" with her young charges Nate and Lily. Teresa Shuck sang backup, and Maria Rabbia came back to play for the Service!

June 5, 2022 ~ Bill Tomek was also honored for his 58 years of membership at Forest Home Chapel. Bill sang lead tenor in the Chapel choir for most of those years, and has been a Student Music Endowment sponsor for many years as well.

Bill Tomek's original membership card, from May 31, 1964. The PF after his name stands for Proclamation by Faith Member, now called Professing Member. Boyd A.Little was the pastor at that time. Since then, Bill served on all committees in turn — sometimes several at a time, as all officers in turn, and is current Lay Leader Emeritus.

Afterwards, Pastor Rebecca quipped amid general tears, "So, have you decided what to sing together?" Followed by shouts of laughter.

After the duet was sung, young Nate passed tissues out to all tearful performers and listeners.

Teresa Shuck gave thanks for the Chapel's care of Kristy for the last two years.

Among tributes and last blessings, Su George, gave thanks for the music of Pianists Maria Rabbia and Elena Nezhdanova, the singing of Kristy, and ALL who offered music during the Pandemic.

Wendy Millroy organized an outdoor reception for Kristy Shuck's farewell Sunday.

Front left to right: Bill Tomek and Mary Ann Oyer. Back row: Tim and Elizabeth Mount, Sally Grubb

Kristy Shuck singing Rejoice Greatly, from Handel's Messih

Pianist Elena Nezhdanova and Soprano Krisy Shuck after the service

Lisa Lennox arranges flowers for Easter Sunday morning

One of the altar arrangements

More eggs on the wreath

Some young man turned 5!

December 12 - Carol Hockett read the scripture lessons

December 12 - Crystal Peebles, Elena Nezhdanova and Jack Reid played O Come, All Ye Faithful.

All Saints November 7, 2021: Dr. Elena Nezhdanova, Piano, and Dr. Roman Placzek, Cello, performed "Pavane," and "Apres un reve," by Gabriel Faure

Chapel safety upgrades: Chapel contractors George and Chad re-laying the flagstone sidewalk after it had subsided. They also installed better motion sensor lighting at both entrances in early November.

The new Zoom console controls sanctuary cameras, mikes and laptops to make our in-person services entirely interactive with home viewers.

Lisa and David Lennox read /perfomed the story of Balaam, his donkey and the angel.

Sara Haefeli, Nancy Wilcher and Elizabeth Mount after church

Margaret Robertshaw reads Robert Burns at the 2019 Advent Talent Show

Sunday school superintendent Jackie Nock reads to a young student
Chapel member Katharine Constas during her Peace Corps deployment in Nepal.

Sunday schoolers created a happy card for a home-bound member.